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Bug Balm

Regular price $2.00

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You know it’s summer when you go outside for two minutes and come in with fifty mosquito bites or when it seems like everyday you’re finding ticks every time you step outside. 

If your family is anything like mine, it seems your kids are a tick magnet and you are a mosquito magnet or vice versa!

 Enter Bug Balm! This roller ball contains all of my favourite oils! Beautiful calendula, healing plantain, calming lavender—great for those itchies, chamomile, and tea tree. All of these oils are masters at what they do! Great for skin repair, anti bacterial, antviral, anti fungal, soothes itching and redness... it’s become a staple in our medicine cabinet!

You can send the container back to me and I will refill it at a discounted price! I'm all about less waste, so let's keep those containers out of the dump! You can also send back your empty container without a refill if you'd like and still get a discount on a future item!

Aromatherapist/Herbalist note:

Please make sure you ask for a consult if you are unsure of any oils/herbs and their safety if you have any medical issues or if you are on any types of medications. Essential oils and herbs, whilst incredible, can react negatively with certain medications and medical issues. Purchasing a product without consult removes any and all liability from Oakborn & Co.

Consults are available here or on my website