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Mama Milk Tea

Regular price $7.00

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Breastfeeding can be difficult and sometimes issues arise  that can make it even more challenging. After working with an LC to get on track and make sure you and baby are doing all of the right things, you might decide to get a little extra boost with some milk tea. 

Please know that popular milk teas at the store or online are made with fenugreek which can actually lower supply in some women. OBCA’s Mama Milk doesn’t contain any fenugreek at all! Furthermore, it’s important to know that any type of galactagogue is going to be a bandaid. It is not going to fix permanently low supply issues. The only thing to fix low supply (assuming there’s are no medical issues at hand) will be latching (or pumping if you’re an incredible EP/combo mama).

As an LC I always try to tell mamas teas and cookies and brownies are fun and yummy, but you need to be getting milk out for your body to make it. Pour yourself a cup of warm tea and latch on mama!


Aromatherapist/Herbalist note:

Please make sure you ask for a consult if you are unsure of any oils/herbs and their safety if you have any medical issues or if you are on any types of medications. Essential oils and herbs, whilst incredible, can react negatively with certain medications and medical issues. Purchasing a product without consult removes any and all liability from Oakborn & Co. 


Furthermore, if you need any type of help with breastfeeding, I am an LC and have virtual appointments available!


Consults are available here or on my website