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Midwife in Training : A Children’s Journal

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Congratulations mama on your pregnancy! You're about to embark on a wonderfully magic adventure! As a mama and birth worker, I always get questions of "how do I include my kiddo in my pregnancy?" or *I don't want my child to feel left out or jealous of the baby, how do I combat this." And my answer is always: include them in your pregnancy and birth and postpartum. Let them be just as much a part of the pregnancy as you or your partner are. Take them to appointments, tell them about the pregnancy and the baby, let them watch birthing videos, let them be at your birth, let them help you take care of the baby (and you).

Siblings can be incredibly big help and children are naturally curious and inquisitive.

Encourage that learning spirit by letting them be your little midwife helper.

This journal will be encourage your kiddo to be an active part of the pregnancy and will help them learn so much about pregnancy and the baby! It will help them feel needed and will stave off those feelings of jealousy and feeling left out. It will prepare them for the arrival of their new baby sibling so they're not shocked when a little human arrives!

Whether this is your second child or your eighth child, this little journal will be so beneficial in including your kiddo during your pregnancy.